Help Line/Help Desk - Send Us Your Gardening Questions!
The Help Line/Help Desk is a vital part of the VCE Master Gardener Program assisting, when possible, the professional staff in providing information to the public regarding a huge variety of plant-related questions. Staffed by the local Master Gardener Volunteers during the growing season (April to October), the Desk is located in the VCE office on the second floor of the Rockbridge County Office Building on Main Street. Individual Master Gardeners usually volunteer for a two hour period in either the morning or afternoon one day a week.
The Master Gardener Volunteers perform a variety of activities including taking calls from the Public with plant-related questions, distributing soil sample kits, preparing Plant Disease Diagnosis Requests which are forwarded to Virginia Tech for review, and responding to the Public with results.
The Help desk has an extensive reference library to help diagnose plant problems. In addition we can use the resources of Virginia Tech in identifying plant problems and diseases.
We are available to help you with your gardening questions. You may call us at (540) 463-4734, or send an email to us at helpline@ramga.org. Please be sure to include your name, mailing address (plant issues are sometimes based on geographic location), and a detailed description of your question. It may be helpful to us if you attach photographs of your plant. ​​​
Question of the Month
Q: What disease or insect is killing my plant?
A: Actually, the most likely culprit is drought. No matter where you live in the county, we have experienced a dearth of rainfall for the past month. Drought-stressed plants are more susceptible to infection, insect attack and abiotic stressors such as temperature extreme or chemicals such as fertilizers or pesticides. Most cultivated plants do well with a soaking of 1 inch of water applied to the roots weekly as opposed to more frequent surface watering or no supplemental irrigation. So, if your plant appears ill, first correct the water deficit. For more information click on the links below or copy them into your browser: