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Buttonbush has one of the most unique flowers of any shrub, and butterflies think so too. Height 6-10' with round white flower balls blooming in midsummer.  Needs moist soil and will tolerate floods. Great for riparian areas. Can do sun to shade but will not bloom in shade. Serves as a host plant for some of our largest and showiest moths.The attractiveness to butterflies makes button bush an excellent alternative to the non-native, invasive butterfly bush (Buddleia). Check for weevils before storing seed.  They contain the bitter glycosides cephalanthin and cephaletin as well as tannins. As a result, the leaves, especially when wilted, are toxic to domesticated animals.


No special seed treatment necessary.  Collect seeds in late summer or early fall before the heads dry and fall apart.

Cephalanthus occidentalis, Buttonbush or Honeyballs

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