As April draws to a close, I just wanted to share my appreciation for the seeds shared at our January Seed Swap and my excitement over the fruitful sprouting of several species I had not previously attempted to grow.
Calendula or Pot Marigold was started March 3rd and has been successfully transplanted into my garden amongst the asparagus, hopefully to ward off the asparagus beetle. Cockscomb planted inside March 24th is now about 3 inches high and Zinnias between 3 and 5 inches depending on the variety. Marigolds have always been easy for me but this year I started them indoors March 24th to avoid the thinning required by direct sow methods. They are almost 6 inches high and ready to transplant as soon as I can find the time. I am most anxious to seen how Cardinal Climber will perform this summer. Started April 5th, some of the plants are winding up to almost a foot and will be placed soon next to my garden fence. (Wonder whether the hummingbirds or deer will spot them first.) I'm waiting till after danger of frost to sow my Hyacinth Beans and hoping they will be more successful than the wild Clematis that the deer demolished.
Later this summer I'd like to try the soil blocking technique suggested by Lisa Ziegler at our March Symposium. If anyone else has tried it, let me know. Got to go tend to my babies.
